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I am a writer, editor, wildlife photographer, follower of pumas, naturalist, deep ecologist, surfer, and explorer. I am a woman in perpetual motion driven by an insatiable curiosity. Nature is my religion, and the written word is my most natural mode of communication. 


When I was 27 years old, a very wise woman told me to quit my job as a teacher and pursue a life as a writer. 
A few steps ahead of me, she had full-heartedly devoted herself to photography, taking a grand leap of faith in herself to unapologetically build a life doing what she loved. No one had ever told me to “just do it” about anything. And it turns out that those were the only three words that I needed to hear. So, I did it. I quit my job and started over.


After applying to dozens of want ads, I landed my first professional writing job crafting realistic but fictional scenarios for a Midwest insurance company’s website for six cents a word.

From there, I went on to build a diverse portfolio. After writing hundreds of articles for various print and online publications, I decided it was time to take another leap as an author of my own books.


I am actively working on three book projects, with several others in the mix.

I am mainly an essayist, but I am also trying my hand at realistic fiction with
a swirl of magical realism for younger readers in a six-part series corresponding to my work and travels with pumas. 


I am currently living on an island
in Panama, working as an editor at a global creative agency with an incredible group of women, surfing whenever there are waves, and unapologetically pursuing a life as a writer.


I live every day believing, as Pablo Neruda writes in perfect simplicity, todo será cumplido, everything is fulfilled; everything is possible. 

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